Play It Again
Line Dancing

All classes are at the Mascot Senior Citizens Centre
Monday First Timers 12 - 1.00 pm
Monday Easy Class 1 - 2.30pm
Wednesday Improvers 10 - 11.30am
Saturday Easy Class 10 - 11.30am
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"Play it Again" Line Dancing started in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney more than 20 years ago.
Annette Gardner one of the founders now holds weekly classes at the Mascot Senior Citizens Hall, Cnr Aloha & Coward Streets Mascot. The emphasis is on fun, easy dances with great music. Classes are informal and are a fantastic way to socialise and stay fit. Click on classes page for level of dancing and starting times.
If you would like to learn to line dance, or if you have been on a break from dancing and would like to return or are looking for a new interest in your retirement it is very easy to learn and new first timers are always welcome.
Please contact us if you would like to know more.
Play it Again

Line Dancers